About Us

We are here to guide you back to your power and inner authority. We know that you are here to live with a courageous and open heart, dripping in self worth and aliveness. You have the capacity to heal and reclaim your agency. It is your birthright to feel safe in your body and anchored in a felt sense of belonging. We want you to live a life of passion and pleasure - connected to your creative fire and attuned to the natural reciprocity of life. We are here to empower you to be who you are.



"When our practice becomes a conversation with the body, the nervous system and the heart - the journey of living in coherence with life begins."

Hi, I’m Anna, and I am here to remind women of their innate wisdom. My intention as a Yoga therapist and Yoga facilitator is to welcome you back to your true nature; anchored in truth and open to life with curiosity and trust. I want you to feel at home in your skin - deeply connected with your heart, your worthiness and courage.

Since I was a child I have been fascinated by consciousness and the mystery of life. This led me to travel the world and explore different fields of healing modalities such as reiki healing, yoga, tantra and astrology. I am passionate about sharing embodiment exploration and therapeutic tools that bring us closer to ourselves in a way that is accessible, inclusive and warm. I believe that when our practice becomes a conversation with the body, the nervous system and the heart - the journey of living in coherence with life begins. Yogic philosophy, mythology and subtle energy inspires me just as much as the down to earth reality of living in a human body. To me, the gold lies in when we start to understand ourselves from both the physical and the metaphysical perspective. This is when we access the exquisite depth and potential available within us, as if we're finally meeting our own stretched out hand which is ready to dance us into transformation.

Today I am an educated IAYT Yoga Therapist and certified Yoga teacher within the fields of Hatha yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Medical yoga, Akhanda Yoga, Lunar Yoga, Yoga therapy & alignment, Yin Fascial Yoga och Yoga Nidra. With immense gratitude for my teachers I bow, and for all the people I’ve met on this path, for the work that keeps evolving as I live and learn and for the decade of experience I’ve had so far with the honor of facilitating yoga in studio spaces, leading retreats, courses, workshops at festivals, 1:1 Yoga therapy work and teaching at Yoga teacher trainings.

Teachers that has been important on my journey is Yogrishi Vishvketu, Sally Kempton, Tara Brach, Dr. Gabor Mate, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Sharada Devi, Petra Parvati Kalla, Akasha Yoga..and many many more.


"I want you to have access to the infinite intelligence, joy and resilience that pulsates within every cell of your body. I want you to know how to transmute trauma into wisdom, feel safe in your skin and know your own worth"

Hi, I’m Miki, and I am here to guide women back to their power. As an embodied movement facilitator, yoga teacher, somatic therapist and nervous system geek, I have been immersed in the field of movement, yoga and healing for the past decade. I have a burning desire to help women heal trauma and feel safe in their bodies. I want every woman to know how to access more creative juice, more pleasure and more joy.

I guide female bodies into sensation-based experiences of the aliveness within - to help women feel safe and at home in their bodies. This somatic approach is deeply therapeutic, healing and rooted in feminine intelligence. It's allowing you to form a felt relationship with yourself and your own wisdom by sensing your experience from the inside. I lean into nature, motherhood, the language of the body and my relationships to explore the intricate layers of being a woman in today's world.

I want you to have access to the infinite intelligence, joy and resilience that pulsates within every cell of your body. I want you to know how to transmute trauma into wisdom, feel safe in your skin and know your own worth. I want you to break free from the patterns that keep you stuck. I want you to enter into the portal of the empowered feminine. 

Learning to own my power, heal boundary-ruptures and love my body have profoundly impacted every aspect of my life, from how I mother to how I take care of myself. When we learn how to listen - and trust -  the wisdom that the body is communicating towards the brain - we access a primal power that gives us agency and choice - so that we can create the life and the relationships that feels current to us.